by FenceOKC | Aug 5, 2020 | Agricultural Fence, Commercial Fence
Commercial Grow Operation Fencing: Protecting Outdoor Cannabis Plants Home » Fence Blog » Agricultural Fence Protect Your Oklahoma Cannabis Grow Operation with Professional Fencing? After the passing of State Question 788 in June 2018 by voters to legalize medical...
by FenceOKC | Aug 3, 2017 | Agricultural Fence, backyard fencing, Chain Link, Custom Cedar Fence, Faux Stone, Fence, Fence Installation, Helpful Fence Information, Ornamental Iron, Residential Fence, Stockade Fence
Here at Fence OKC, we get asked a lot of questions regarding the materials used as fencing and which is the right type of fence for certain applications. Yet one of the most common questions we are asked is whether adding a new fence will increase their property...
by FenceOKC | Jul 13, 2017 | Agricultural Fence, Barbwire Fence, Fence, Fence Installation, Perimeter Enclosure, Residential Fence
Travel across Central Oklahoma and you will see ranches and farms scattered across the land as people use their properties to support their families. They may grow crops and animals for their own use or for commercial purposes. Whether you are raising cows, pigs,...