by FenceOKC | Jan 3, 2020 | Helpful Fence Information, High Security, Ornamental Iron, Residential Fence
Best Security Fence for Home Defense in Oklahoma Home » Fence Blog » Ornamental Iron What is the Best Residential Fence For Home Defence? When people think about security fences, they are looking for something formidable that will send the message that their home is...
by FenceOKC | Aug 3, 2017 | Agricultural Fence, backyard fencing, Chain Link, Custom Cedar Fence, Faux Stone, Fence, Fence Installation, Helpful Fence Information, Ornamental Iron, Residential Fence, Stockade Fence
Here at Fence OKC, we get asked a lot of questions regarding the materials used as fencing and which is the right type of fence for certain applications. Yet one of the most common questions we are asked is whether adding a new fence will increase their property...
by FenceOKC | Dec 16, 2016 | Gate, Ornamental Iron
Wrought Iron Fence Wrought Iron, also mistakenly called “Rot iron” is a type of fence that has been installed for several hundred years. Wrought iron is a solid iron product. Each component of most wrought iron fences are individually welded in place...
by FenceOKC | Dec 29, 2015 | backyard fencing, Fence, Fence Installation, Gate, Ornamental Iron, Residential Fence
Wrought Iron Fences are both beautiful and enduring. Ameristar Fence based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma is the leader in ornamental, residential steel fences. They have perfected not only the aesthetics of a fence but the stability and strength of the ornamental iron fence....